IF These Are Related Conditions, Why Is It That My Doctors Haven’t Told Me About These Symptoms? Do They Show Up On An EEG?
Every time I talk about my seizure to my doctor and neurologist they don’t make these connections. I have an old head injury (scar tissue from that), overweight, arthritis, migraines daily (pain scale 3 is my new Zero), major depressive disorder, anxiety, and PTSD.
It's unfortunate your doctors haven't discussed these potential connections with you. Many of the conditions you listed can be comorbidities of epilepsy, meaning they commonly co-occur. For example, research shows links between epilepsy and conditions like PTSD, depression, anxiety, migraines, and arthritis. As for whether Show Full Answer
My PTSD problems are from when I was a child. I never had a recurring dream of my childhood traumas until 2 years after being diagnosed with seizures. You talk about energy as if it’s Karma. As I perceive your question and statement; being an empathetic individual has always been a part of my life. Let me put it this way, I can read every person in a room of 100, just by the way they walk through a doorway. It’s my natural instinct. You mentioned that I would not be one to play with mentally. That can be read in so many ways. So I will approach this with a simple response.
Mind games are a pastime for me. (Don’t perceive that statement wrongly, please).
My best friend of 25 years still hasn’t figured me out yet.
I have asked her to stop trying, because it is physically & mentally exhausting, on her part. Spiritually, she is the most Positive person I have ever known. We recharge each other, to put it in your terms.
We all have the power to encourage each other, but even the most positive person and be brought down to a negative energy level. Even if it’s just for a minute millisecond.
The ability to overcome the negative always starts with the desire to overcome. Without that “want” deviation abounds.
I hope I have answered your question.
I hope you have a seizure free day.
Ditto response from Phillywoman. What I have learned about epilepsy has been from this site. I get frustrated reading different dr notes after visits because sometimes do not reflect it is me or symptoms. Very frustrating. I don’t know the answer.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member , I assume you have told your doctors about all this problems you’re having & that your pain has gotten worse. Keep them updated on these things & ask if the problems you’re describing have anything to do with your seizures if you haven’t already. Sending Thoughts, Hugs & Prayers that you get to feeling better soon. Your friend in Austin, Texas, Becky
The difficult thing is all of us have a very confusing disease to diagnose them add all the things that come with it. I sometimes think if my depression was gone I could get through much more I think we all have to just do our best to make them listen to us
Best to you all
Does Anyone Else Not Know Exactly Where Their Seizures Come From Bin The Brain?
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