Does Any Women Know How To Tell When You Get Hot Flashes And Have A Seizure Whether Its From Epilepsy Seizures Or The Change Of Life?
I am aware that there is a similarity here which pin points hot flashes. A doctor hasn't been able to answer my question about whether or not I had a seizure due to me going through perimenopause or if it was due to my Epilepsy. Can anyone explain more of the difference between the hot flashes that come on from perimenopause and the ones from Epilepsy. I try to take care of my health to the best of my ability.
Hi @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member , May I ask if you’re new to Perimenopause? I remember a few years ago when it was late at night & I was still up & my Mom & stepdad had gone to bed. I had started getting so hot that I didn’t know what was going on. That feeling of being so hot didn’t go away for a while & I went to the bathroom & finally got enough strength to get a washcloth & wet it. Eventually my cycle would come & go every now & then but my last cycle was August 2023 & I don’t miss it. I don’t usually have problems with being hot when it comes to my seizures. If your hot flashes are getting annoying & disturbing your sleep, etc., then you might try seeing a Gynecologist. I saw you read my other recent post about hot flashes to someone else. I do recommend the Estradiol patch & the Progesterone pill but your doctor & you are the only ones who know what would work best & help. But the hot flashes were interrupting my sleep & I’d wake up just sweating & after a few minutes then I’d cool off & the hot flash stopped but later in the night it would come back. That’s why I’m liking this Estradiol patch & Progesterone pill being that now I rarely have any hot flashes. I hope you can find something to work for you. Good luck. Your friend in Texas, Becky
It can be difficult to distinguish between hot flashes caused by perimenopause versus those caused by seizures. However, there are some key differences. Perimenopausal hot flashes tend to come on suddenly, last a few minutes, and then subside. They may be accompanied by sweating, flushing, and a racing heart Show Full Answer
I have run hot all my life. I really was not able to tell a difference between a hot flash and what I felt normally. I don't think that my running hot has affected my seizures.
I'm not a doctor. But hormonal changes can effect the seizures. So yes it's the epilepsy, but the seizure itself may have been triggered by a hormonal variation. That's been my personal experience.
I would get a Tonic Clonic seizure. Afterwards, a migraine
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