A ? What If You Have A Little Bit Of Anxiety And Depression Before You Had Your Condition You Have Now, Do The Meds And Your Condition Add
to it, I think that I've had a little bit of anxiety and depression before I had my condition but I think that the stuff I have mentioned add to it on occasion, I know it fluctuates with me once in a while and is not a prob with because I don't stay at that level when it happens, but that is me and how I handle it, but what are your thoughts?
For me, the condition did not add to my anxiety. I had learned how to deal with it. I still have that diagnosis. That was a good thing though because when I moved out of my area and to school, I was allowed to take my cat with me. Then with crazy, lazy classmate that I was assigned for a project, the anxiety kicked up really bad. I had a major issue. I used this learning example as a way to teach the entire class about the epilepsy and what we deal with. I have another project today and I am more focused on how to keep the anxiety down and succeed at the video. Never giving up! Ten years seizure-free with the brain surgery. Going for my Masters degree.
I do not know when the anxiety crept in. What they call anxiety is my looking ahead of something to happen. Foresight.
I could be wrong but I don't ever remember having a problem with anx or dep.
Most seizure medication are also used for anxiety, depression and other such disorders but I know that some ppl still have anxiety and are usually prescribed Ativan as a as/when medication
I think depression and anxiety comes with epilepsy
? I'm Not Sure How To Put It, But It's A Neutral One And A Curious One Also, This Has To Do With Our Conditions We Have, More Below
A ? About Our Conditions And Treatment And Such Etc, Just Curious About Below And Wondering Also About It,
Do You Think That Our Conditions Have Changed Our Personalities Since We Got Them? And Do You Think If Was Lets Say Made You Would Any Dif?