? Does It Seem Like Once In A While You Seem To Be Clumsy At Times, I Do At Times But On Occasion, What Do You Think?
I don't know what it is, it does happen time to time but not often but does, It's not prob with, but I don't know if it has to do with my condition and the meds and such etc, but I do notice it every once in a while with it happening to me, what are your thoughts?
It's certainly possible that feelings of clumsiness could be related to epilepsy or medications. Many people with epilepsy experience some cognitive difficulties that can make coordination more challenging. If it's happening more frequently, it would be a good idea to discuss with your doctor to see if any medication Show Full Answer
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
I was really dizzy one day and doctors said that it was probably because of a low blood-sugar rate
I was clumsy when I was growing up. Always had open sores on my kneecaps. That is why I have arthritis from my many falls.
I do farmers walks with 2 50 lb dumbells .helps alot
Yes I get this. I have started doing balance exercises to help Improve things.
Deja Vu, I've Been Through It A Few Times In My Condition, What Do You Think About It And Does It Seem To Be A Part Of Your Condition ?
Do You Seem To Think Of Your Condition As A Hinderance? Wondering
Are You Safe With The Condition You Have?