Does Any One Here Work From Home And Ever Had A Seizure Whilst On A Call On Camera?
I work from home but luckily that hasn’t happened to me. come close a few times, like right after the meeting ended.
Thanks for sharing! It's happened to me a few times, more recently with a new client and it has raised some questions.
I get focal seizures so it's not obvious to the people on the call. I barely get time to call for help at aura stage. But I did say briefly "I don't feel well" but it didn't click with them, even though I gave them awareness training 2 weeks before.
When I said "I don't feel well", someone said it's probably "psychological" thinking I was making a conversational joke in regards to the content of the meeting. Whilst they were harmlessly laughing at what they thought was a joke comment, I was then in fact vacant, absent or staring and it quickly progressed to clonic phase which is when people realised and got scared seeing me shaking. They saw it on video conference.
It's just rocked me recently how difficult it is to express when you feel the aura and working with new people and getting them to really understand that this is REAL.
When I was in the office 5 days everyone was aware and could tell at aura stage something is not quite right, as I'm usually bubbly and confident.
My learning is that I am going to try using a Code word like "AURA" so people know I'm not well and not joking.
I will let you know if it works!
I agree with you and your post and the other people's posts here, I have not had that happen on camera with the phone, I don't use it on my phone, it's dif per person, but I don't see the difference actually, If I'm on camera with or not, I have a few happen in public and didn't know it, it's not anyone's fault when it happens, but I hang in there and try and stay pos, and so can you my opinion, don't give up!
Yes, some members on MyEpilepsyTeam have experienced seizures while on video calls at work. It can be scary and embarrassing. Here are some tips that may help: - Let your coworkers and supervisor know about your epilepsy so they understand if a seizure happens on a call - Take regular breaks during long video calls to rest Show Full Answer
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