What Do You Do If Some Family Members Don’t Agree With You On What You Need To Help With Mobility?
I’ve not brought up to my family that I’m thinking it’s time for me to invest in getting a wheelchair ♿️ for myself. I’m pretty positive they are going to say no what you need to do is keep moving. I do already but that isn’t helping it’s making my symptoms worse. So like I said what do I do?
It can be difficult when family members don't agree with what you need for your health. Open communication is so important. Explain clearly how using a wheelchair would help you conserve energy and manage your symptoms better. Provide specific examples of times when walking has made your symptoms worse. Reassure them you Show Full Answer
Christine, I was talking to a previous coworker. She’s actually a close friend of mine too and she told me that she feels that I should be using the wheelchair as well, and I would be better off with it . I’ve already contacted my neurologist. I’m waiting for him to respond. I’ve told him symptoms. I’ve been having that. I’m not really sure what they’re coming from. Whether they’re from the prescription. I’m on or if there’s something else but yeah it’s getting to be more and more tough every day Trying to keep going around on foot whether it’s with or without shoes I mean it’s a struggle. I’ve done every possible thing I can possibly think of from moving around to everything else with exception of going to physical therapy, but I don’t think physical therapy could even touch this.. I don’t think it’s really physical therapy material. I think it’s more mobility material that needs to be prescribed like the wheelchair. This has been anrough year altogether for myself between losing a job due to having to switch prescriptions and then after that being out of work for eight months, trying to find a new position and during that is when everything fell apart on me medical wise, probably four months into the new prescription as when I started noticing symptoms but I really didn’t think it was due to the new prescription so we’re gonna see what my neurologist tells me before I go the route of telling him I’m going on a refer me to somebody to have me fitted for a wheelchair and that’s gonna happen if he doesn’t think anything else needs to be done cause I’m not gonna keep pushing myself trying to get around on foot and not help anymore. Just not worth it to me to keep risking safety and everything else altogether it’s just probably safer for me to keep my butt in the wheelchair and just start getting around that way
BMKnazik, I just sent my neurologist a message with explaining the symptoms I’ve been experiencing although and the MyChart you can’t put everything you want to say so I’m gonna have to send a second one explaining everything else and also put in there even though he’s already said to me once already at least I’m not in a wheelchair. I have to go in a wheelchair but I’m gonna put in there that I have no problem whatsoever using one if I feel like I have to but anyway I mean I’m pretty much at that point now, but not that I really want to but I mean like you said it is frustrating and with epilepsy symptoms can do that as well as my hydrocephalus as well. But yeah, I need to let him know that I’m not afraid to do that if I feel like I have to.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
My thoughts are to get a script from one of your drs and go for a Physical Therapy appointment. See what they have to say. Maybe that would help.
@ Sean I just want my freedom back with no worries. If a wheelchair ♿️ solves that than I’m all for a set of wheels.
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