As For The Conditions We Have, Have You Become Accustomed To Them With In Your Life With, Wondering?
I at first didn't think that I was, I didn't know what it was and what to do about it, but over the years I accepted it and it does have its moments, but I don't let that get to me and hold me back,even though a bad one on occasion, not wishing that happens but does, but I learned to deal and learn what it was I have to live with, I don't mean anything negative or bad about this ❓ I am asking about, but a personal response about how I look at it and other people's outlook on the? Wondering
there are some things in life we have to accept, might not like it, but have no choice but to accept it. Epilepsy is just one condition I have to accept and deal with. By studying the Bible along with prayer I can stay positive and even smile once in a while
Dave you learn to live with it at some point. Whether you want to or not.Some of us have our hands full with other conditions like myself others don’t. I see it as the luck of the draw. Some are actually luckier than others when it comes to conditions. I just wasn’t so lucky..
My Epilepsy and the package that came with it , is a fact of my life .
Caring for a Son who had Autism would be challenging, since he may not be able to express or explain his feelings. He needs to take his meds on time and in the correct dosage. If the Med is to be taken with food, do that. Some meds annoy your Stomach. My Epidiolex is taken without food.
Dave if you read my story. My mom who was a pharmicist forever sat me down at age13 and said "Eric your strong enough to handle this disease!! " Pure and simple. I great supportive pants and 3 older brothers who were there for me. My epilepsy journey, Well my entire life starting at age 5. Just except it and mve on with your life . Educate self definitly. Move on work if you can or volunteer. We qualify for SSDI the procedure is tiresome. ericthom3
? I'm Not Sure How To Put It, But It's A Neutral One And A Curious One Also, This Has To Do With Our Conditions We Have, More Below
A Neutral? As For The Condition (s) We Have, Do You Think You Are Accustomed To It With Your Life And Lifestyle Yet In Your Life? More
As For Our Condition We Have, Are You Ok With It In Your Life Or Not Yet?