How Do You Deal With Seizures Out In Public And How To Make It Normal With Your Kids???
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
I never can tell when a seizure is coming but I’ve never been able to tell when I’ve had one in public. People are pretty caring and understanding.
When have seizure in public people are just concerned of course. Must put up hand sit down wait for it to pass then tell them due to my epilepsy. Many then tell me of their own or a loved ones epilepsy too. In my 52yrs have met bus drivers, cops, strangers in clubs with epilepsy. Worst fear was only loss of bladder control but new products have eliminated this now. Still have partials but know how to deal with so just shrug them off.
I try to hide in the bathrooms if I feel one coming on which sometimes it is hard.
I Stopped felling embarrassed . When or if I seizure in public surrounded by people , I pretend that no one is near. I then pick myself up, wipe myself off and go about my own business.
Although it is a great feeling someone comes by, to check on me or help me , when coming out of my seizure(s) . That’s a small percentage . Still a good feeling when it does happen.
When out in public with a child who has seizures, it's important to stay calm, time the seizure, and keep the child safe. Don't restrain them, but gently roll them on their side once the convulsions stop to keep airways clear. Call for help if a seizure lasts over 5 minutes. To help make seizures feel more normal, educate Show Full Answer
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