Can A Wrong Glasses Prescription Escalate A Seizure
I got new glasses after having a few problems , the latest ones finally seemed ok. After a a about one and a half / two weeks , I woke up and felt so dizzy / faint is, my ears were ringing , I came down feeling awful , managed to call for help them remember putting my head down , my son says I seemed out of it then he said I seemed to nod at being spoken to briefly then I had a 50 second fit. I was in hospital for three days. Although not right , it wasn't quite as bad , since home , I get waves… read more
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member The wrong prescription causes blurred vision which can then lead to other issues if you don't fix it. Yes I known about photosensitive and how the Occipital lobe works but this is a slightly different issue. Wearing the wrong glasses is not good.
If you have the type of epilepsy that's affected by lights glasses will not cause seizures. Dr would have told you if any worry if so. Ask prescriber of glasses about this. The above article is for those with photosensitive type of epilepsy only.
It wouldn't suprise me tbh. The only reason I say that is because I had to get new glasses 12 months ago with a slight change in prescription and im talking only .02 so basically nothing. I can still where my old glasses but I do find that if I have them on for to long my vision can get very blurry.
It's possible that a wrong glasses prescription could trigger seizures or make you feel dizzy and faint. The different lens strength, especially with added prisms, could strain your eyes and cause visual disturbances. This visual disruption seems like it may have triggered your seizure and ongoing symptoms. I would Show Full Answer
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