Very Soon I Get My DBS - 4/2. Before That I Get To Go In Next Week And Speak To The Surgeon, Neurologist, Etc. Ideas What I Should Ask Them?
I have had all of that several times after the last surgery so they would know where to implant the electrodes into my brain
Oh and FYI, when I went in to talk to my epileptologist, he gave me percentages of success for my temporal lobectomy. He told me 95% chance of better seizure control, 85% chance of total control ON meds and 70% chance of total control OFF meds. Fortunately, I was in the seizures since November, 2000 and off meds since July, 2006.
I do hope mine comes that quickly. That would be what's annoying me - I was excited for it to be next week, but I don't know now whether it will be a few weeks, a month or more, or even a year or more. I spoke to my neurologists nurse yesterday hoping to get some idea from them, but even they aren't sure.
Best of luck, you are brave.
I have already seen the Neuropsychologist prior to this appointment, and I have another appointment booked in with him about a month after the surgery as well. And it is a 2 step procedure, I do have 2 appointments. I just don't know if they are doing another MRI or EEG or just using the information they have from the last surgery, so yes I will ask that. Thank you.
Who Has Deep Brain Stimulation?
Epilepsy Surgery?
Shouldn’t Some Epileptics Go Alone To See The Doctor? I Didn’t Talk About The Side Effects From The Meds Because My Mother Was There.