If Your Seizures Are Under Control, Do Your Side Effects (either From Seizures Or Meds) Come And Go?
As far as I know, I haven't had a seizure in over a year. It took me 11 months to feel like myself again after the last one. Then I had 3 months of feeling really good. Now all of a sudden the side effects (brain fog, memory, exhaustion, depression, word recall, etc.) are back. I'm trying hard not to feel like I'm backtracking and to view it as all part of the package. For those of you whose seizures are under control, do your side effects come and go?
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
I haven't had a grand mal or even a petit mal since 1998, when I had my VNS put in. What I do have are simple partials----they are like dizzy spells that last about 30… read more
NOT Epilepsy Related, Just Curious. Has Anyone Experienced Mirror-Touch Synesthesia ?
So if you see a person get hurt or injured a area of their body, by you witnessing it or just seeing it on a movie or tv show and you can mentally feel the pain. I found out, that 2% of of us in the U.S. have this ability.
I experience this a lot . I would see someone not watching where they are going and they would walk into the wall or something and let’s say their head got the worst of it. I would feel the mental sensation and I would even place my hand over my head and say, ouch! One time I… read more
apparently im stupid when im asked to remember 100 things and when I say I don't remember I'm lying no way. Serious family torture not ok
Does Anyone Else Struggle Feeling Motivated To Do Stuff?
I really struggle if I've been set tasks to do such as tidy up around the house and kinda hit lazy mode and not motivated to do anything? Does anyone else feel like this? Just I forget the tasks and I'll start a day doing stuff the next day I won't bother just motivation to do stuff just goes?? Please help
Everyday of my life
How Do You Tell Someone That Your Epilepsy Keeps You From Driving?
I have had the pleasure of driving 4 times in my life in the 80’s. Shortly after the last time I drove a car I did some research and found out what the laws are in my home state. The law was a… read more
The last seizures I have had I have bruised badly and they have not healed. Does anyone else bruise badly and take a long time for them to heal?
Little bruised Patty 💜
Shielding And Coronavirus
For those who have been shielding and staying indoors for a long time are you nervous about shielding ending and worried you may catch the virus from a second wave. With my immune system being weak I don't think some governments have thought things through. Is this just me being worried or do others feel the same?
Learning choices will vary from county to county.
Does Anyone Else Have Out Of Body, Past Life Experiences During Their Seizures?
I feel like I'm from a different world and everything seems new to me every time i have a seizure. It feels like i was in a life back in history and I'm seeing how the Earth has changed over all these years.
I used to have some serious deja vu when I was a kid and that followed me for a long time into adulthood, however it didn't happen as much then. My seizures at night still sometimes cause in it such… read more
Does People Have Seizures In Their Sleep?
It most happens early morning, im having a seizure, losing my vision, headache, sickness, dont realise it happening until i wake up. It like im unconousious because i dont know where i am for a few secoud. Im gone completely blind so i dont know what in doing until i have to shout for one of my parents. I dont always shout i do tend to go through it on my own.
Most of my grand mals have been while I was asleep, in the early morning hours
Yes, seizures during sleep are extremely likely
They are more likely during sleep bc as the gears shift through the… read more
If I Wind Up In The Hospital Because Of The Covid-19, Will The Staff Know When To Give Me My Epilepsy Meds On Time?
I had Temporal Love Surgery back in 2006 but the Neurologist ICU was full after the surgery was completed (7 hours). They thought I was doing good so put Me in General Recovery. The Nurse gave pain killer Meds but no Epilepsy Meds. Wound up with 4 Tonic Clonic seizures right away!
If it is a hospital you regularly go to they have records
Hi! If you are on medicine to control your seizures, do you find that it helps so your triggers don't set off a seizure? Or do you find that you still have seizures as usual when triggered? For instance, one trigger for me is caffeine. I can tolerate very little. If I have too much, I have a seizure. Is this normal since even though I am on medication?
Thanks Alan for your advice. I really appreciate it and I hope that you're doing well also.