Are You Afriad All The Time When A Seizure Might Happen?
Everyday, i am afriad when a seizure might happen, if i can control well or not amd have a big one. It makes me afriad to do anything else afterwards in case another will happen. I do have little pre-warning signs to tell me its coming but i panic and get scared. I do always feel it my fault too when the seizure happened.
Hi. Its not your fault. The anxiety you feel, wondering is it going to happen today ? Is something that we all deal with. I'm generally controlled, but I had one when I was driving about one and half years ago. I'm still nervous when I drive everyday. I was taking anxeity medication for awhile and it helped. I don't need it now. Hope this helps. Hang in there.
I'm afraid of having them out in public more so than at home. Out in public I could get more hurt and hurt others while at home most of the time I'm on my soft sofa so little harm will happen.
I'm always scared about having a seizure. Especially because I don't get warnings. I am really trying to get over feeling like I have control over my seizures....
Hello Lucy, I am also scared. I hear some people talking about warnings signs or triggers, and some with no experience of either. Me though, i have auras, de javu, or hear music which usually involves panic and anxiety. I am not sure if my last episodes were triggered after experiencing the auras when I caught myself holding my breath. When the experoences happen i try to remember what I may done to trigger a seizure, like how i deal with stress. Ive learned to seperate myself and breath, long slow deep breaths. Believe me, these things scare me because i know i cant handle having seizures. I dont just pick myself up after having one, i m usually down for three or more days with my history of a TBI. Remember the fear you experience can act as a trigger so just remember to breath until the fear "anxiety" has passed.
It's PTSD . You live in fear daily of the next one. You really panic when you get an aura, that sensation that one is coming. Am I right?
Have You Ever?
What Happens When Someone Had A Seizure In There Sleep. Will They Come Back From Passing Out?
How Many Out There Have Fear Once Asleep Overnight Of Having Seizure Activity To Occur?