Does Anyone Else With Focal Seizures, Have Very Brief Seizures While Walking, Where You Have To Catch Yourself From Falling?
I'm constantly having these weird episodes while I'm active where I have to catch myself from falling. If I'm sitting, everything goes limp and I cant hold my head up. My service dog alerts before they happen. She's so amazing and brilliant. She also alerts for my blood sugar. So idk ...diabetes and epilepsy go hand in hand for me.
Yes, I have the same problem with my thirst. Another thing I have to avoid a lot of is caffeine.
I Have Been Taking Phenytoin For 56 Years Is It Still Prescribed?
Due to having lots of side effects?
LOL!! Mom was laughing too. I am doing very well today, thanks for asking. Hoping you are feeling better. Today.
Should I Have To Apologize?
When I have a seizure I feel like i’m made to feel guilty about it to the point I need to apologize. This isn’t right is it?
I can so relate to this. As canadian it's automatic to apologize to paramedics or urgence sante after a seizure. I know it's not necessary but it's the way I was raised maybe.
You Are Supposed To Call For Help After 5 Min + Of Having A Seizure, How Do You Know You've Been Out That Long If You Pass Out, By Yourself
I am just curious, I have had a seizure where I was told three days after I had one, and was informed about it, I wasn't let known the details as for the amount of time and what took place and such etc, but I think that is a good? If someone is with and knows what to do, that is ok, but like I said, If you aren't around anyone and you don't have any watch or pass out, faint, black out, how do you est you have been unconscious, just curious about this ❓ I'm asking, not hoping it happens to… read more
Randy is right but means a drop-down convulsive seizure. Quite severe you'd know if had one. Just loss of awareness a blackout type isn't as dangerous. Or a brief weird feeling that comes & goes… read more
Does Anyone Else Get Really Embarrassed When They Have A Seizure In Public?
I had a seizure in this bar that I regularly go to yesterday. I just feel so embarrassed. Whenever I have a seizure in public I just want the ground to open up and swallow me so I can hide.
Luckily I was with a friend and she got me home and made sure I got into my flat OK. I'm very familiar with the staff at this bar and i just feel like now I'll be known as that women who had a seizure on the floor. I like to be invisible when I'm out, just blend in with crowd and when I have a seizure it's… read more
Sorry that had happened but happy you feel it was a learning experience.
Does Anyone Know What Can Make The Dizziness Side Effect Worse? And How You Manage It?
Hey everyone,
I've been on Keppra for around three months now and noticed that even though everyone says their major issues are normally the rage, anxiety mood related. I've noticed that mine are more related to dizziness, high heart rate, sudden arm and handshaking and unsteadiness. I'm also on Topamax as well which also has the dizzyness side effect so I'm wondering whether this has something to do with this.
Anyway, I'm just wondering how do you manage it?
Have You Ever Seen A Video/film Of Yourself Having A Seizure?
My parents and my partner have obviously explained what happens to me and what I do during a seizure but half of me is curious to see it. I have often thought about asking them to film it when it happens but then the other half of me thinks I might regret it after and be upset by it? Has anyone else ever watched a film of themselves having a seizure and how did you feel afterwards?
Yes I have and it caused another seizure
I Would Like To Know If Red Bull Energy Drinks Are Safe To Drink.
My brother told me that he read an article in the newspaper that Red Bull energy drinks not safe for people with epilepsy. Is that true?
Do not drink red bull it's seriously was the seizures besides raising blood pressure interfering with the heart after a while and other things physically. There's a page that shows all the bad side… read more
Does Anyone When Having A Seizure Pull Out There Shoulders Or Bite There Tongue?
Slurred speech is a doozy,with the tongue biting, it feels likethe whole mouth is swollen. You don't think nothing of it until you speak. Tongue twisted, mis pronouncing your words. Pretty… read more
What Do You Do To Help Aid Your Seizure Recovery?
I had a seizure more than 2 days ago and still don't think I can do much of my day's work. Just worn out and feeling awful. This is always the post seizure fatigue.
Had a seizure the 3rd and 4th of this month. I take a nap in the afternoon and another one if I have to am on 3 anti-eleptic meds all which include tiredness and drowsiness and fatigue couple that… read more