Does Epilepsy Cause Unnatural Fear?
My son is 7 years old and he does not want to sleep by himself or with a sibling. He wants to sleep with my husband and I all the time. I am wondering is this normal or does it have to do with the epilepsy in some way or form. He says he is scared and just can't sleep on his own. This has been happening since he started having seizures in 2015 a little more now. Before seizures he slept on his own without a problem. He does sometimes complain about hearing noises and just about freaks out with… read more
It can, but probably because of how many people have fear around you. My parents have been so sheltered. Doing it for so many years, I think they’ve put some fear in me (which is something I’m… read more
How Do You Know You Have Had A Seizure In Your Sleep If You Don't Wake Up Or Have Any Other Signs?
If my lips is sore and headaches and body aches too
Scared To Sleep At Night?
Does anyone have nocturnal seizures or experience seizures in their sleep sometimes. Ever since I had surgery my seizures strictly happen only at night now. I get one blue moon seizure during the day but not often. I've always been afraid to sleep since I had surgery in 2022. A few months after surgery is when the seizures started happening again only at night and now I dread sleeping. My doc knows. I'm still on meds that don't really help much. Just curious if anyone else experiences the same… read more
I Had A Seizure A Week Ago. Since I Have Been Very Tired And Sleeping Very Heavily. Does Anybody Find That They Are Very Sleepy Afterwards.
Laurie Perfect answer no one should assume all seizures wipe you out. How people react to just a partial differs as well.
Anyone Else Have Seizures Immediately Upon Waking Up?
Sometimes, a lot of the time I will have a seizure as soon as I get up from sleeping. Doesn't matter what time. Most of the time they are just focal seizures and vary in intensity. Sometimes though they are a lot worse, Grand Mal.
How Does Your Seizure Affect You 2-3 Days Afterwards?
I am 2 days out from 2 seizure’s on Saturday and all I want to do is sleep. Is this normal?
It depends on the type of seizure. Most of the time, if I rest after a short seizure I am okay the next day.
Sleep Seizures Or Not
Today my husband brought to my attention that he's noticed that my foot will twitch and move off and on, then my back will straighten out and after that my hands go for awhile. I've never had a seizure in my sleep before. Can anyone help me and tell me if this is actually a seizure or what it could be?
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member, it’s not so much luck. It was the brain surgery I had in my 20s. My seizures may not be 100% controlled, but the frequency of my seizures have decreased.
Does Anyone Else Have A Bad Few Days After A Seizure. I’m Sleepy The Following Day, Then I Go Into A Depression And Feel Afraid.
Ive Been Waking Up In The Morning With A Sore Tongue,could This Meen Im Having Seizures In My Sleep?
Because have the Mouth Guard, the upper teeth cannot chew with lower teeth. Getting one from your Dentist is pricey. I do not know if thee are some Over the Counter ones.
If Had Seizure Or Seizures And You End Up Falling Asleep Should Someone Tell Them To Get Up And Wake Them Up Or Let The Person Sleep It Off
Need Another Opinion
After some of my larger seizures, I had slept about 6 hours. I only slept about that last night, so took my meds and am returning to bed. Lack of good and enough sleep is a Trigger for me.