Does Anyone Feel That Others Worry More About You Than You Do?
Yes! I’m turning 34 in a month and I feel like a 5 year old. I completely get where they are coming from but it does make me feel like a child again.
Brief Jerks And Twitches In Left Hand And Left Leg
Hi everyone, I was just wondering if anyone experiences brief jerks/twitches? I get them in my left hand and left leg most days. Is that seizure related? Sometimes I get the funny feeling with and sometimes it's just a brief like twitch. They happen almost everyday.
Though the article is focusing on meds listed as antipsychotic categorized meds, many of those same meds were previously used as treatments for diagnoses such as schizophrenia.
Seizures Increase With Changing/new Medications?
My original medications I was on 4 years ago I was having seizures anywhere from 4-8 months based on documentation. I've gone through multiple changes over the years as the goal is to be seizure free. I am to the point of having a seizure every 2-3 weeks and just had one yesterday. My living conditions are the same and I do everything in my power to prevent them. Have any of you ever gone back on previous medication that was helping you better?
I sent my doctor a message today about everything… read more
A while back my md wanted to seebif a different drug would hold me better. Needless to say, it didn’t & after a couple months i complained & it was switched back. A new drug doesn't always mean… read more
Who Thinks They've Been On The Most "meds"?
I've been on 9 so far. You think by that point that they would just let me smoke and leave me alone dude 😂
Should try edibles when going to bed
How Many People Here On The Site, Struggle With Anxiety And Depression?
I struggle daily with depression and anxiety. Whether it be sirens, lights, or even the slightest sound, that triggers, something in my mind, and reminds me of the time when I was traumatized. Life isn’t always fair. 🤪
I think about the reason why I’ve been through so much in this life. Why my mother chose to keep me after she was raped, to asking family members what they treat me differently, all the way to having flown off a gurney in an ambulance, and being mistreated by medical personnel.… read more
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
I had to re-read what I wrote. I don’t always remember what I write. ✍️
Sometimes my heart and mind agree and then wonderful words happen. I’m happy to know I’ve touched… read more
This Isn’t A Query, But I Hope Everyone Enjoys A Seizure-free Weekend. We’re All Blessed And All Unique From The Billions Of Other People.
I have intractable epilepsy, but it doesn’t define @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member.
Hey all, I'm asking God to give all of us on My Epilepsy Team a seizure-free weekend.
What are some of the New Year’s Resolutions out there? I need to be more active and drink more water.
Irene, I have had gut issues all my life, so it could be related to that. I also have allergic reactions, but no one knows what they are, and I have been tested. It could just be an allergy… read more
What Provides You The Most Happiness?
1. Only making others happy enough to smile or laugh and thus take their minds off of their worries, but not allowing anyone to do the same for you. Or telling a friend that you are always willing to listen or even for them to vent to you, but never allowing them to offer the same for you (or even apologizing any time you vent to them --mind you on a site like this if you (like me) can't remember how to send a private message or provide private contact information to an individual then the… read more
I enjoy bible studies, old TV programs, and adult color books
How Does Your Seizure Affect You 2-3 Days Afterwards?
I am 2 days out from 2 seizure’s on Saturday and all I want to do is sleep. Is this normal?
It depends on the type of seizure. Most of the time, if I rest after a short seizure I am okay the next day.
Sick At Stomach
Does anyone have a nausea feeling after having a seizure or an aura?