Has Anyone Been To The Mayo Clinic?
What was your experience? Was it worth it?
Damn another one tonight. I hate this, so sad.
I Have Malabsorption Issues That Started On Top Of Epilepsy. Anyone Else Need To Take More Meds More Often For Control?
Has Anyone Had Success With Fycompa?
I tried it for a short time a stopped because of side effects. I was thinking maybe we didn't give it enough time. All other meds I have tried have been ruled out due to severe side effets.
I have done better with Fycompa. Still have small episodes but not GranMal ones near as much..
Lamotrigine And Levetiracetam Side Effects
Hello everyone, can anyone tell me about their experience taking lamotrigine and levetiracetam together? I am starting this treatment together and I am very sleepy, weak and dizzy. Is this normal?
Is Anyone Taking Fycompa? What’s Been Your Experience Like? Thank You.
Yes,I Started With 8Mgs Since 2017.t's The Best Out Of All The Meds That I Have Ever Taken.
Has Anyone Ever Dealt With Physical Aggression And Epilepsy?
My son this past month has been having verbal behavioral outbursts and physical aggression towards my husband and I. After he calms down he will say "what". Is this another complication of Epilepsy or from his Impulse disorder? This is so hard and I do not know how to help him.
I am on lexapro to help with that.
Covid-19 Vaccine And Epilepsy
I’d like to know how members and neurologists feel about getting the covid-19 vaccine. I have tonic-clonic generalized epilepsy. I’m recently controlled and fear the vaccine may lower the seizure threshold.
I’ve had both doses of Maderna. My fear was that because of it I’d have a seizure, it didn’t happen 😀. Before I take any medication I research to find out if it lowers the seizure threshold, if it… read more
How Do I Cope With The Struggle Of Feeling Broken And Afraid Without Going To Group Therapy?
I was a normal child before I got meningitis and developed epilepsy from it, I've experienced one too many seizures that have scared myself and my family alot, even though it's been a year that I've been seizure free, im still worried for the next, I don't wanna have this problem, I feel like there is something wrong with me, I've had confused moments where I have a panic attack thinking I'm about to slip into a seizure and I don't, this whole thing just worries me and idk how to just make… read more
Genetic Epilepsy And Medication
When it’s a genetic epilepsy (PCDH19) does that mean that I will always take medication my whole life? As I know that most anti-seizures drugs have long term consequences when taking for a long time.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member They have to think about both situations all the time. It is easier if you are under control because then you can focus more on managing side effects, but if it's not you have… read more
Has Anyone Had The Stem Cell Treatment Or Are You Considering It?
I want to